Morvillo Abramowitz Partner Brian A. Jacobs Named to Benchmark Litigation’s Under 40 Hot List 2018
July 5, 2018

On Thursday, July 5, 2018, Morvillo Abramowitz partner Brian A. Jacobs was named to Benchmark Litigation’s Under 40 Hot List 2018. This honor is awarded to the Nation’s most accomplished legal practitioners, 40 or younger, who have been deemed the most promising emerging talent in their respective litigation communities by peers and clients. Brian is described as someone who “knows what the law is and is not afraid to say it and tell you how it is.”
Benchmark Litigation is the Definitive Guide to America's Leading Litigation Firms and Attorneys. Published by Euromoney Legal Media Group, Benchmark Litigation’s guide is derived from a process of extensive research and interviews with litigators and their clients.
To view the full list, please click here.